A Fall GIVE grant was awarded to Becky Forkner, the Primary School Librarian. Her project is entitled “Books for Badges” and she has happily reported on the success of. Seems the project has been a huge hit and brings lots of students to the library each morning to submit their game cards. As of mid January the goal of 300 students was surpassed and 320 students earned their first badge. 140 students earned a second and 35 earned their third thus far. The program continues through the end of the school year. Becky has received some wonderful feedback from the parents and the Foundation is so happy to hear about the funds so well spent. Congratulations Becky!
Books for Badges at the Primary School
Some emails received from parents:
“My son is participating in Books for Badges. The whole family is having a great time with it especially my youngest who is 3. He is loving going to different spots around the house to read with his big brother.”
“He already loves to read…but is loving the daily tweaks to reading with the creative options! Such a great idea!”
“My kids absolutely LOVE these programs!”